We’ll rebuild and revitalize the Republican Party of Bexar County.
San Antonio plays a key role in the success of Texas and the Nation.
I am uniquely qualified to rebuild our Republican Party into a strong, vibrant, conservative organization prepared to guide the future of Bexar County with innovative solutions.
Training Members

We must work to grow and continuously train the County Executive Committee for the Republican Party of Bexar County.
Accessing Resources

We will create an extensive resource center for the Republican Party of Bexar County.
Recruiting Candidates

We will recruit, train, promote and elect qualified conservative Republican candidates.
Restoring Stability

I will balance the books and restore financial stability to the local party.

I’m A Lady of Action: So Let’s A.C.T.
My dedication to Bexar County and service to the State of Texas speaks volumes to my character and capabilities.
Ready On Day One
The Chair is a volunteer position and others who have held it have maintained their careers in other fields. Rest assured I will be focused on the duties of the Chair 100%. I am ready to hit the ground running on day one!
Thank you to the business and community leaders that support my vision for Bexar County. Because of you I am the most highly endorsed candidate in the race.
All Endorsements
April Ancira | Sandy Anzaldua | John Austin | Hon. Marialyn Barnard | Norma Barloco | Adam Blanchard | Jillian Boldway | Hon. Greg Brockhouse | Sherrie Calhoun | Charlotte Canaday | Nancy Cardenas | Suzanne & Rick Cavender | Hon. Elisa Chan | George Clouser | Cheri & Rick Creekmore | Sharon & Kenneth Dale | Nina Danoff | Trish DeBerry | Jennifer & Jonathan Delmer | Sabrina Drewry | Becky Edler | Marcia Felty | Ada Garcia | Sylvia & Chris Gartner | Patty & Steve Gutting | Cheryl Hagenson | Tracie & Jimmy Hasslocher | Pat Hastings | Elizabeth Hilburn | Paul James | Renee Jezek | Hon. Kay Kellogg Katz | Laurie Kabes | Anita Kegley | Anne Kippax | Laura Kirby | Jacqueline Klein | Cyndi & Joe Krier | Linda and Wally Kinney | Hon. Lyle Larson | Jim Lunz | Thomas Marks | Naomi Miller | Lydia Mrzlak | Karen Murphy | Linda Nealon | Monica Neely | Susan Nino | Myrtle & Bob Parks | Clayton Perry | Chrystina Power | Terri Richardson | Natalie Skokan | Kyle Sinclair | Sue Solcher | Hon. Lamar Smith | Kristen & Dick Tips | Connie Tree | Judy Tyrling | Suzie & John P. Walker | Shirley Wills | Carol Van de Walle | Karla & Hon. Jeff Wentworth